Reset Employee Verification Tool

When an employee navigates through the BC Enroll website, the system verifies what pages they have visited so that when the employee returns after logging out the system will know what page to return them to. This feature is very helpful, however, sometimes a group will have a need to have their verification records reset for some or all employees. An example of this would be a group entering their Open Enrollment period. Typically, when a group enters OE the employer will want all employees to re-verify their census information. Also, they will typically want the employees to go back through the benefit wizard from the beginning.

To account for this need, a tool has been added to the company menu for broker access users (Please note: This feature is only available to broker access users). When the Broker selects a company, they will have a new menu option under “Setup & Configuration” called “Reset Employee Verification”.


Once the user clicks on this link, they will be taken to the new “Reset Employee Verification” page. From here, the user has the ability to select one, multiple or all divisions. They can also choose to reset Census verification records, New-Hire verification records and/or Open Enrollment verification records. In addition, the reset is scheduled for any current or future date. As of this date, the verification records will expire, and the employee will be taken back to the beginning of the corresponding wizard(s). This date cannot be set prior to the current date.


Typically, this tool will be used for resetting the Census wizard and Open Enrollment benefit wizard as of the day of the Open Enrollment period starts. For example, if in September a company knew they had a division of Full-Time employees who were starting their Open Enrollment period on 11/1/2016, then the user would fill out the Reset Employee Verification form like below.


After pressing save, the user receives a confirmation box (not shown in this article). Once their choice is confirmed, all the Full-Time employees are slated to have their census verification and open enrollment benefit verification records reset on 11/1, and the user recieves a message of how many employees had records reset (in this case two each). If one of these employees in the Full-Time division were to log into the system on 10/31, they would still be directed to the last page they had been on when they last exited the system. However, on 11/1, they would instead be taken back to the beginning of the Census verification wizard.


On a final note, once verification records are scheduled to be reset, the reset date cannot be pushed out to a later date. In the previous example, after the user hit save, if they wanted the pages reset on 12/1 instead of 11/1, this could not be accomplished from this screen (if the user tried, they would see a success message saying 0 employees were reset). Conversely, if they instead wanted to make the date closer, this would be fine. They could re-reset the records as of 10/1 and this would override the original requested 11/1 date.