Identifying Overage Dependents

  1. Login to benefitsCONNECT®.
  2. Click on Company Administration.
  3. Click on Edit Company.
  4. Select the company by clicking on the name.
  5. Click on Company Reporting and select Dependent Census.
  1. Select the desired date span (typically includes the date you are running the report).
  1. Under Dependent Columns, move Age to Selected Columns. Change Display Report Cover to NO. Change Display Subtotals to NO. And then click SELECT
  1. A pop-up will appear indicating the progress of the report. Once the bar indicates 100%, select CSV to run the report in Excel.
  1. The Excel document can then be sorted, by Date of Birth (DOB) and/or relation for example, to identify the Overage Dependents that need to be terminated from coverage.


TIP: Sorting by DOB allows the employer to also identify upcoming Overage Dependents.