Making User Defined Fields Required

  1. Login to benefitsCONNECT®.
  2. Click on Company Administration.
  3. Click on Edit Company.
  4. Select the company by clicking on the name.
  5. Click on Company Administration. Click Member Field Settings.
  1. Select the page where you have housed your User Defined Field. For this example, I have clicked on Profile Information.
  1. Find your UDF question and click on that link
  1. You will then have the option to assign the Company or Employee User Rights.
  1. Your options are:
    a. Editable – employee can change and/or add their answers
    b. View Only – employee can view the answer to this question but cannot make any changes
    c. Required – employee must answer this question before moving forward with enrollment
    d. No Rights – employee cannot see this question