Release Notes for 8.16.2014

bC Enroll Employee Self-Service (ESS)


Decision support video and transcript has been modified to say and read “bCMarketplace”.


The required fields are now highlighted in dark red.



The fields listed on each demographic page have been extended to offer readability and to better engage employees.


The benefit plans are represented in horizontal form. The horizontal format offers more real-estate to the page layout, thereby highlighting the areas that are most important.

bCEnroll Admin


The custom pages can now be added without being associated to a benefit type.


Internal bC users have the ability to customize the field names within the following pages: Dependent, Spouse and Beneficiary.


The video page gives internal bC users the opportunity to add a video to a page or a benefit; thus providing relevant media solutions.


The videos offer an inactive/active status option. This status option is viewable on the video dashboard.