Termination Flowchart

Tier Change
DEP losing coverage remains active in the system
From EE Benefit Plan Enrollment screen, re-elect benefit without dependant
Enter in effective date for new enrollment & term date for past enrollment
* Click SAVE
Dependant Termination
e.g. Terming DEP record, creating COBRA notif.
Change dependant status to "Inactive"
From EE Benefit Plan Enrollment screen, re-elect benefit without inactive dependant
Enter in effective date for new enrollment & term date for past enrollment
Click SAVE
Benefit Termination From Terminate Plan Elections screen, enter in termination date for benefit to be terminated.
Remove ALL other termination dates listed for other plan types.
Click SAVE
PLEASE NOTE: Do not check "Delete Election" boxes
Employee Termination Change EE status to "Terminated"
Enter reason and termination date
Click OK on pop-up window that appears, to continue with terminating benefits
Ensure correct term dates are entered in each line of coverage.
Click SAVE
IF ELECTING COBRA: Change employee's status to "COBRA" & re-elect benefits