Release Notes for 10.5.2017

Here's What's New

1095 Electronic Consent

We have added the ability to capture an employee's consent to receive their 1095 form via email directly into our system! In lieu of using a User Defined Field as you may have done in prior years, we added a page with some fancy (customizable!) language about agreeing to receive a 1095 form via email AND there is a field to enter a different email address than the one already in the system. There is also an opportunity to say "No, thank you, I prefer receiving things like this in a paper format."

Click Here for instructions on how to turn this page on for your employees!

Be on the lookout for more details about this exciting new feature with our ACAManager release later this week!

We Made Things Shiny

We have included some enhancements to bCEnroll which will help improve user functionality and security.


What a Fine Lookin’ Interface

  1. Consolidated Enrollment Form - Beneficiaries – We added the employee's designated beneficiaries to the Consolidated Enrollment Form. Now when an employee is reviewing their benefit elections, they can also review whom they have assigned as beneficiaries and make any necessary changes prior to completing their enrollment.

  2. Court Ordered Dependents – We have closed the gap where an employee could choose to NOT enroll a Court Ordered dependent. If a dependent is listed as court-ordered, they will remain selected during the medical enrollment.


There was a Bug - - and we squashed it

Fixed: Qualifying Life Events in bCEnroll were only looking at the retro/future dates of the plan settings instead of the retro/future dates within the settings of the particular Life Event. For example, if the retro/future dates of a plan were set to 365 and the QLE retro/future dates were set to 30, an employee was able to add an event well past the 30 day setting. *It is important to note: A setting of 0 in the retro/future days of the Life Event will function the same as if we had never made a fix. If you would like your Life Events to function the same as they did last week, enter a 0 in the retro and future dates and pretend this fix never happened.