Managing Employee Profiles

Reviewing Employee Profile

Employee Profile is designed to provide you with the ability to view Employee Hours, Eligibility Status and Basic Demographic Information associated with each employee.

  1. Click Employee Administration and select Employee Profile
  1. Enter the First Name, Last Name and/or complete SSN and click Search.
  1. Search Results will return employee(s) with the identified criteria. Click Profile for the employee that you wish to view.
  1. Upon selecting the Employee, you will be presented with Employee specific details as depicted in the illustration below:


TIP: The IRS Form Notifications will show how each time that the employee was electronically sent their 1095 form (1095-B or 1095-C will depend on the company size) while IRS Forms Download will show the most recent time the employee accessed their form; if it is blank that means the employee never accessed their form.

Entering Employee Information

Companies that are solely using ACAManager and not managing their data via bC4 will enter their employee information using the Upload Employee Information page.

  1. Click Employee Administration and select Upload Employee Information.
  2. Download the Sample Template. The system provides you with two file types (Excel Workbook or Excel 97-2003).


TIP: Each tab in the spreadsheet needs to be filled out with the appropriate information; however, all the tabs are not required for the upload. For example, if you would like to correct an employee’s status; you only need to upload tab 2 - EE Status

  1. Click Choose File
  2. Click Import
  3. The file name, upload date, and status will appear at the bottom of the page. If there are any errors, Get Errors will appear under action.


TIP: benefitsCONNECT users can utilize this upload to override existing bC4 data and force an employee’s 1095-C form to reflect as they would like without updating bC4; however, once they have done this there is no way to restore what is in bC4.