Release Notes for 12.20.2017
The Week Before Christmas...
Custom Benefit Questions
'Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the system
Every developer was stirring to see who could assist them.
The EOI questions were created with care
And we logged into bCEnroll to see if they would be there.
There is no action needed on your part for this new feature! If you currently use Custom Benefit Questions in bC4, they will automatically show for employees in bCEnroll. Of course, if you hadn't made the jump to bCEnroll because of the questions, why not start the new year by offering your clients an updated look to their system?
Visions of sugar plums...
The employee enrollments were ready to go.
The new EOI Questions asking what we needed to know.
When what to your wondering eyes should appear
But a Company ID field to help your search persevere!
We added the ability for you to search by Company ID.
Dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So out of your vision the word "welcome" flew,
With the ability to edit text without an image made better for you.
The bug that had the word "welcome" appearing on the demographic pages that had custom text has been corrected. You should only see the word "Welcome" when you enter it on purpose.
Happy Enrolling to all! And to all a Goodnight!
Updated less than a minute ago